华艺卫浴首席设计师:美感与功能并举 设计领跑全球

2012-05-24 07:48:00  房天下 钟志阳  收藏  打印  字号:T|T微信分享
[提要]“设计,是个不断发现和挖掘生活内涵的过程。它包括合理完整地展示产品美感,确保功能完善,创造独特品味。”华艺卫浴的首席设计师、全球顶级的水龙头设计师Jaume planella把他对产品的设计理念融入到华艺产品中,使华艺卫浴在产品设计领域领跑全球。



采访嘉宾:华艺卫浴首席设计师、全球水龙头设计师Jaume planella

采访记者:搜房网 钟志阳

华艺卫浴首席设计师、全球水龙头设计师Jaume planella

华艺卫浴首席设计师、全球水龙头设计师Jaume planella


Huayi has one great opening for the new trend of the new products at this fair, as the chief designer, which kind of new design concept do you bring to Huayi?

【Jaume planella】:请记住我们是一个团队,很多构思并不只是来自我一个人。我们采用“自由讨论”方式, 每一个理念,包括最普通的,都通过周密的思考,这可以被认为是我给华艺带来的贡献。 从为不会认为这个想法是疯狂的就是淘汰它。

Remember we are one team. Many of the ideas are not only from one person. We work using “brainstorg”method. Every idea, even the most unusual, are carefully considered. Never rejected because they are “crazy”. This can be considered my main contribution to Huayi.


Which kind of popular trend and element does the show disclose this year? Which kind of design keywords do you pay great attention to?

【Jaume planella】:在前几年里,电子龙头开始在大多的展位上出现。我想今年会是电子龙头参考的一年,是前与后的分界段。我们从来不会忘记龙头的功能性,因为,即使设计上非常美观,消费者都能感觉到使用龙头的舒适感。

During the last few years, electronic faucets have been in most of the fairs.I guess this year will be the “year of reference”of the electronic faucets. Marking clearly “before”and “after”. We never forget the functionality of the faucets, because, even if the design is very beautiful, the user must feel totally comfortable when is using the faucet.


You think design is one process to discover the meaning of life, Huayi is one brand with high technology and advanced design idea, what kind of living experience do you think that Huayi’s products will bring to the consumer.

【Jaume planella】:我有很多机会走访世界上不同的工厂,使华艺与其它工厂不同的是原因非常简单,同时也非常复杂(就像自然一样)。华艺是一个家庭,我从来没有见过一个像华艺这么大的工厂,就是通过水龙头, 将这种感觉传达给消费者。

I had the chance to visit many faucet factories around the world. What make Huayi different from all of them, is very simple, but, at the same time, very complex (like the NATURE) HUAYI is one family, one big family. I never have seen this in big factories like Huayi. This “feeling”is translated to the users, by means of the faucets.


The kitchen and bath show has bring the competition for many brands, some people think that the foreign sanitary brands have more consideration on the humanization and functionalization, but the local brand are a little in the shade, what’s your opinion about it?On which fields that will you lead Huayi to make the breakthrough?

【Jaume planella】:这里有个很重要的与原因使华艺其它工厂不同。在大多数公司,技术都在老板手里,很少被分享出来。华艺有整个团队,不只是技术员还有设计师。华艺,事实上就是一个专业的高效的公司。

There is one significant fact that make Huayi different from other factories. In most of the companies, the “technology”is in the boss hands, and seldom is shared.Huayi has one full team, not only of technicians and designers. Huayi is, really, one professional and efficient company.


Every year, the show is very splendid, there are some models show the new products on the catwalk, in the show, are you pressed by any products or activity?

【Jaume planella】:作为一个设计师和一个技术员,喜欢看到新的款式的概念。其中有些很明显的不能长期幸存。最重要的是将主要思想放在“好的形状”上来接受新理念。接受并不是抄袭,意味着将新的概念引入到将来新的款式上。

As a designer and technician, I like to see new models and concepts. Some of them is it clear that will not survive for long time. The most important is maintain the d in “good shape”to accept new ideas.Accept doesn’t d “copy”, means introduce new concepts in the future new designs.


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华艺卫浴首席设计师:美感与功能并举 设计领跑全球

杜高卫浴唐玉东:主推简欧与现代 启动百城千店计划

汇泰龙徐振忠:发展已16周年 渠道质量进一步优化



